Fair stand design and applications are parts of the course. Fair stand project management is the head of a project that needs to be done with discipline. A brand who attends a fair always wants to reach their visitors. It is important to contact visitors in the fair area. It is important that a fair stand must be assembled professionally and managed with expertise. Logistics are one of the important factors for event areas and making the right price choices are key to success.
A fair stand project management service starts with a briefing of a project. Beginning of a design idea in a process of fair project management is highly important for fair stand companies and their partner brand companies to work together with positive communication to achieve success. In the design process, a project management period must be done accordingly with fair stand specifications. A fair stand organizer’s rules and deadlines are highly important. In the process there are dates and permissions to consider before buying the materials. After materials are received the management process of the stand can begin accordingly with the plan.
One of the most important factors of trade show operations project management is logistics. Fairs that are both in Turkey and abroad logistic period must be completed with no problems. It is very important for firms who are attending the event. Logistic is an important process with assemble and disassemble factors within it. For completing these courses, it requires experience in the field. Working with professionals provides a successful period in fairs and gets you the maximum performance.

Last part of project management is the stand delivery process. After finishing the installation for the stand to be perfect required for completing the work. For visitors to get the best experience and information the brand wanted, designed stands and their compatibility with the fair must be coherent in order to get the best work out of a stand. Before the fair starts the organization of a stand must be prepared with a professional approach to make solutions and increase customer relations. They are all part of a successful project management plan.
As HES Design we have worked with various companies in the fair stand project management field for over 15 years. Our bases are located in Turkey and Germany; with our professional team we provide the best work possible in event periods. Accordingly, with deadlines we work closely with our companies and fair organizers to get the best work out of us. We take into consideration many things like price ranges, assembling and logistics. Every step-in project management we are here with our partner companies. We have attended both domestic and abroad fair events to know that project management is a very important factor of fair services.